Geopathic Stress is the label given to the effects that can happen to people – and animals – who spend time living, working or sleeping above harmful underground magnetic fields. It is believed that our body energy fields may not be compatible with the earth’s natural rays once those underground earth energies have become distorted. The peoples are likely to be affected in their home, office, etc were the high harmful rays comes from the Earth. This may often be referred to as `sick building syndrome`.
Research carried out in recent decades suggests that this distortion happens whilst certain fields of energy are rising to the earth’s surface through underground running water, mine workings, underground fissures, faults and cavities and through particular minerals. That creates adverse effect on the Human body. The research has been mostly conducted on the continent where the health problems of geopathic stress can be causes. The findings are widely documented that the majority of peoples are highly affected by deadly diseases like cancers, Brain tumour, etc. are created by the geophetic stress line.
Geopathic Stress zones can also be man-made. These would include electromagnetic fields that are emitted from hydro towers, satellite towers, wi-fi networks, electrical street poles and transformers, and residential fuse boxes.
Our clearance technique (scientific remedies) reverts the distorted earth energy that becomes harmful geopathic stress and returns it to its natural state – completely neutralising the geopathic stress.